

We provide great quality Wi-Fi

with a side of marketing.

Email Marketing

Email is the best customer outreach channel.

Email marketing has an ROI of 38 to 1 and has the highest conversion rate of any outreach channel.

We provide you a fast and easy way to grow your email lists.

Our small restaurants gain 200-300 unique email addresses each month; our shopping centers gain 3,000.

Segmentation makes email marketing work.

77% of the ROI from email marketing comes from segmented and targeted emails. We provide you the tools to learn more about your guests and target your emails accordingly.

Automation makes it easy.

DragNFly allows you to build templates and automate emails. You can even build in triggers so you can reach out while a guest is at your location.

Customer Retention

Once you get a customer, you want to keep them.

It costs 5x as much to acquire a new customer than to keep an existing one.

Increasing retention rates by 5% increases profit by up to 95%.

This is because an existing customer has a 60-70% probability of making a purchase, a new customer has only a 5-20% probability.

Good Wi-Fi keeps customers coming back.

84% of customers say they are influenced by the availability of Wi-Fi when choosing where to eat.

Customers need more than just a good experience.

68% of lost customers say the left because they thought the company didn't care about them.

DragNFly's platform allows you to personalize each customer visit.
  • Know how often your customers return and provide them with a different Wi-Fi experience each time.
  • Trigger emails for loyal customers or reach out to those who haven't been back.
  • Get to know your customers by asking a question on every visit, or spread it out even more.
  • Customize your questions. It doesn't need to be all business, ask something fun every few visits.

See what our clients have to say.

Then click here to try it for yourself!